The Training of Trainers Academy (ATDC-ToT Academy) is an ATDC initiative with key objectives of Reskilling, Up-skilling and New Skilling to personnel working for Fashion and Apparel Sector. It was established in 2011 to Provide skill and knowledge enhancement for upgraded and multitasking Faculty and Industry Personnel in the Fashion and Apparel Industry. Since its inception, 5500 Faculty & Industry Personnel have been trained by ATDC- ToT Academy.
These Academies have the State of Art machines and are well equipped with experienced Master trainers both in domain and soft skills. These Master trainers of ATDC ToT Academies are highly qualified, research oriented experts specializing in ‘Training of Trainers’.
The one and only authorized Training of Trainers Academy for the Apparel sector by NSDC, MSDE which gets a special mention in the annual report of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE). II. Apparel Made Up and Home Furnishing Council (AMH-SSC) has authorized ATDC-ToT Academy to conduct Training of Trainers (ToT) for various training providers in skill space PAN- India. III. ATDC-ToT Academy is empanelled as the Training of Trainers (ToT) Agency by the RSA Textiles Committee under the SAMARTH Scheme of the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. IV.Training of Trainers for Various Government Bodies like District Industries Centers (DIC), Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), District trade and Industries Center (DTIC) etc.
ATDC-ToT Academy is registered on NSDC’s E-marketplace ‘Kaushal Mart’ as a knowledge provider for the Apparel Sector
Customized Training of Trainers Programs for apparel industries, academic institutions and Govt. Institutions for Cluster Development
Technical Interactive Webinars in Apparel Domain
ATDC-ToT Academies have conducted AMHSSC-ToT’s for following State Skill Development Missions:
Awareness on “Quality Control and Know-How of Garmenting”workshop for DIC Cluster at Amravati (Maharashtra)
DIC Amravati (Maharashtra)
Customized Training Program on “Garment Designing” for DIC Kollam by ATDC-ToT Academy TVM
DIC Kollam (Kerala)
“Product Development, Value Addition and Computer in Fashion Design” for DIC Beed sponsored participants at ATDC-Mumbai
DIC Beed (Maharashtra)
Training program in “Creation of Design and Pattern Development” for District Industries Centre, Kollam sponsored candidates (training program- duration 8 days) by ATDC-ToT Academy TVM
DIC Kollam (Kerala)
3 days worksop on “Automation in Manufacturing of Readymade garments and related products” at Parbhani Maharashtra State under DIC by ATDC-Mumbai
DIC Parbhani (Maharashtra)
“Garments Manufacturing, Quality Control and Marketing” in following Garment clusters- Solar Charkha Cluster (Amravati), Digras-Pusad Cluster (Yavatmal District), Sangamner Cluster (Ahmednagar District), Sanjeevini Mahila Readymade Garment Association, Swaymdip Garment Cluster
Various DICs (Maharashtra)
Short Duration Training program on “Garment Manufacturing Technology” for Garment Cluster members in Rajasthan
MSME Development Commissioner, Jaipur
Industrial Motivation Campaign- Youth and “Entrepreneurship Skill Development Programme” for young individuals in association with DTIC, Bhopal
Government Organisation
Awareness on “Quality Control and Know-How of Garmenting”workshop for DIC Cluster at Amravati (Maharashtra)
DIC Amravati (Maharashtra)
Customized Training Program on “Garment Designing" for DIC Kollam by ATDC-ToT Academy TVM
DIC Kollam (Kerala)
"Product Development, Value Addition and Computer in Fashion Design" for DIC Beed sponsored participants at ATDC-Mumbai
DIC Beed (Maharashtra)
Training program in "Creation of Design and Pattern Development" for District Industries Centre, Kollam sponsored candidates (training program- duration 8 days) by ATDC-ToT Academy TVM
DIC Kollam (Kerala)
3 days workshop on "Automation in Manufacturing of Readymade garments and related products" at Parbhani Maharashtra State under DIC by ATDC-Mumbai
DIC Parbhani (Maharashtra)
"Garments Manufacturing, Quality Control and Marketing" in following Garment clusters- Solar Charkha Cluster (Amravati), Digras-Pusad Cluster (Yavatmal District), Sangamner Cluster (Ahmednagar District), Sanjeevini Mahila Readymade Garment Association, Swaymdip Garment Cluster
Various DICs (Maharashtra)
Short Duration Training program on "Garment Manufacturing Technology" for Garment Cluster members in Rajasthan
MSME Development Commissioner, Jaipur
Industrial Motivation Campaign- Youth and "Entrepreneurship Skill Development Programme" for young individuals in association with DTIC, Bhopal
ATDC-ToT Academy has conducted more than 146 Customized Training Programs
The Academy has developed Trainer’s Manuals along with Digital Contents, Soft Skill Modules, which follow the Blended Learning Approach and bring standardization and efficiency to Delivery Methodologies.
Paridhan Vikas Bhawan, Plot-No. 50, Institutional Area, Sector-44, Gurugram 122003, Haryana.
Website: www.atdcindia.co.in
Email: info@atdcindia.co.in | admission@atdcindia.co.in