Students from ATDC Thiruvananthapuram have secured the first prize in a prestigious fashion show organized by the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST)

March 18, 2024

Students from ATDC Thiruvananthapuram have secured the first prize in a prestigious fashion show organized by the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) in Trivandrum on March 17th (Sunday), as part of their national-level management, technology, and cultural fest. Our theme for the show was sustainable fashion, and our students showcased innovative designs incorporating materials such as paper cups and egg trays, biodegradable garbage bags, foil paper, newspapers and magazine covers, jute and coir, as well as patchwork of used fabrics. Additionally, our showstopper garments were created by reusing old garments, promoting recycling

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Last Date: 14 August, 2023